New Theme, More Blog

If you’ve visited my blog in the last few weeks you might have noticed the new theme. Finally I had to bring the blog into the modern world from the last theme, which was from 2011! I’ve been hunting for themes for a while and was almost ready to make one because I wanted something where I didn’t need to crop and resize photos for the header, the header didn’t occupy the entire page and still was modern and responsive enough. Plus with the whole mobile first push on the Internet, the site needed to look much nicer on phones too.

Now you can subscribe to this blog and get instantly notified with my ramblings on food, finance, travel, solar power and what not. Adding one more nerdy, unwanted opinion to the Internet. I’m also planning on writing less elsewhere like on Seeking Alpha and more here. So hopefully fewer long stretches of silence. Also maybe this will encourage Ahan to blog more at his site.

To the three people who somehow already found a way to subscribe but have hardly received any email, get ready to actually get some email. Maybe part 2’s to things I stopped at part 1.

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