2024 Full-Year Solar Production
Happy New Year 2025! In 2024, we produced 20,621 kWh of power compared to our usage of 13,517 kWh. Total production since we first installed solar panels is now over
Tales of a Tech Finance Food Travel Geek & Author
Happy New Year 2025! In 2024, we produced 20,621 kWh of power compared to our usage of 13,517 kWh. Total production since we first installed solar panels is now over
Happy New Year 2024! In 2023, we produced 21,785 kWh of power compared to our usage of 13,964 kWh. Total production since we first installed solar panels is now nearly
Happy New Year 2023! In 2022, we produced 21,721 kWh of power compared to our usage of 14,894 kWh. Total production since we first installed solar panels has now crossed
Happy New Year 2022! In 2021, we produced 22,074 kWh of power compared to our usage of 13,496kWh. Total production since we first installed solar panels has now crossed 119
2020 was the first full year of our new 4,380W of solar panels that went live in August 2019. Our power production in 2020 was 21,213 kWh and we used
In 2019, we added another 4,380W of solar panels that went live in August 2019 on our garage as we were planning in 2018. Like our previous systems, we got
Jessica Fake, a friend, made this excellent detailed presentation on her experience getting solar panels in Charlottesville. If all my previous posts have not pushed you over the edge, maybe
Continue readingThe Fake Report on Getting Real Solar Panels in Charlottesville
Here is my presentation on going solar from last year’s (2018) becamp.
2018 was the year Tesla took over. Tesla commanded ~65% of the plugin market in December: For the full year 2018, Tesla had 53% market share. GM, with the second
In June 2018, we got R3V – our Tesla Model 3. A few months later we sold our gas car. Now we are fully electric with a Model 3 and
Continue reading2018 Solar Update – Watt Upp – It’s The (R3V)olution