What’s Nuts? Gelatin in Nuts
No matter how many blog posts I write and the topics I write about, the most visited page on this site is my post about gelatin in yogurt. Now I
Tales of a Tech Finance Food Travel Geek & Author
No matter how many blog posts I write and the topics I write about, the most visited page on this site is my post about gelatin in yogurt. Now I
I’ve had Google WiFi for a while now. When my last router died, I got the Google WiFi 3 pack and placed three of them in different locations. The hardware
Continue readingGoogle WiFi Review: Great Hardware Marred By Poor “Family Wi-Fi” Software
People are pissed off at the president for a lot of things, the most recent being quitting the Paris agreement. The image below is mathematical proof that most of us
Continue readingStop Whining. Start Doing. Why 97% Of Us Are Hypocrites. #ParisAgreement
One of the most popular posts on this blog is my old post about gelatin in yogurt. The pictures from that post are lost but people still come and visit
Continue readingBeware of the “Greek Style” Yogurts, especially Vegetarians
I’m hoping to start a series of articles on poorly designed stuff with this article after I noticed that this is the third time the problem has occurred. Our Frigidaire
Continue readingStupid Design I – Frigidaire Gallery Dishwasher
If you notice I haven’t had much to complain about Blockbuster for a while. Discs have been coming to me fast, new releases were coming pretty quickly, often delivered to
Continue readingBlockbuster by Mail Suckage after DISH Acquisition
Once every few months, Windows 7 decides that it doesn’t want to charge my laptop while it is plugged in. Initially I thought something must be wrong my machine. A
Continue readingWindows 7, please just charge my damn laptop when it is plugged in
My 6 year old Thinkpad R51 finally died. It was a refurb then so in reality it is probably 7 years old. That reliability is why I always recommend Thinkpads.
There was a time more than 5 years ago when I knew what pant size to buy. I blindly bought 31 and knew they would fit. Then I grew fatter.
Continue readingHow I lost a few inches without losing them, really!
Here goes my rant. As we have been passively looking for a new house we have found multiple occasions where real estate photos have been severly photoshopped. The photos were