Elementary JavaScript Moving Up In Rank

Two weeks ago, I noticed that Elementary JavaScript hit the top 100 on Amazon in the category “Children’s Programming Books”:

Then last week I noticed that it had moved up in rank to be in the Top 100 in three categories:

As of today, it is still in the top 100 in Children’s Computer Programming. Today, I found a new source of information for how the book is moving up in rank – Amazon author central.

It has a nice chart of how the book is improving in rank on the Kindle store:

While, this doesn’t display sales in specific categories, the chart looks promising as the lower end of rank moves up. That chart also indicates a more steady rate of sales. Now fingers crossed for the upper end of the chart to move up, currently between 160,000 and 170,000.

If you are an author with books on Kindle, I highly recommend joining Author Central and making an author page. Visit my Amazon Author Page and follow me on Amazon. All my blog posts related to the book will show up there automatically.

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